Welcome to the iCadenza Blog …
This is a FREE library full of articles written by music industry professionals, aimed at offering expertise and inspiration to aspiring artists.
Mr. T – Rachel Payne
Just like the saying ‘it takes a village to raise a child’, it takes a plethora of teachers and mentors to raise a performer. Today I’m going to focus on just one who was absolutely influential in my development as a musician and artist. He was taller than me when
For the Love of Lieder – Lindsay
Growing up in Los Angeles, I didn’t know much about German Romantic poetry. I did read some Goethe and Heine (because I had excellent high school German teachers) but I didn’t exactly grasp the scope of that literary movement. And I couldn’t have guessed that those poems would change my
“Don’t sing until you’d die if you didn’t.” – Amanda McAllister
“Don’t sing until you’d die if you didn’t.” Giovanni Battista Lamperti I’m in seventh grade, a nerdy, clumsy, awkward kid wearing oversized glasses. Music has always been my favorite class, and this year I get to be in orchestra AND choir. I am very excited. During the first week of
A Little Black Coffee – Karen Hogle Brown
I had always sung growing up, but it was more of a hobby of mine rather and it didn’t hold the passion that playing instruments held for me. However, curiosity finally got the better of me in high school, and I auditioned for choir where I met Mr. Williams. He
I Should Do What? – Rachel Payne
My grandmother must have read it in Good Housekeeping magazine. “If you’ve burned yourself, put butter on it to stop the swelling.” Well ladies and gentlemen, it doesn’t work! In fact, it makes the burning worse. Such can be the case for any advice we get in life. Especially career
What Your Body Knows – Lindsay Feldmeth
My body knows how to sing. I have studied vocal technique for fifteen years, and I’ve studied with some legendary voice teachers. I feel so privileged to have worked with each one of them. And yet, almost every voice teacher I’ve known has given me the same rotten piece of