Welcome to the iCadenza Blog …
This is a FREE library full of articles written by music industry professionals, aimed at offering expertise and inspiration to aspiring artists.
Traveling By Ear – Lindsay Feldmeth
It was a warm, humid Thursday in Vienna and I was having a stressful day. I rushed onto a subway train (the U-3 line) and absent-mindedly picked up a glossy magazine. As I slid into the nearest plastic seat, a magazine insert fell into my lap. There was a picture
Botswana On My Mind – Lindsay Feldmeth
I’ve started to dream about Africa. In April, I’ll be launching an opera festival in the heart of Botswana. That’s my new year’s resolution for 2013! But organizing a festival takes a lot of mental energy. I think about it constantly. I talk about it. I even dream about it.
A Lesson I Have Been Learning – Sarah Tatto
I enjoy formulating analogies. Analogies are mental metaphors that aid in linking and clarifying ideas. According to one online dictionary, they enable comparisons based on the similarities “between like features of two things.” Lately, my thoughts have been focused on growth and change as well as judgment and fear. These
Musicians’ Gifts: Lessons Learnt in 2012 – Alexandra Cowell
The biggest lesson I learnt in 2012 is the very same lesson that I seem to learn year after year, and which I never tire of learning. I think that the most frustrating, annoying, exciting, and wonderful part of being a musician is that we are constantly discovering how much
Finding Freedom – Elizabeth Gentner
This was a year of transition, more than progress, and of making hard choices for long term benefits. At the end of last year, I made a commitment to change just about everything in my life to more aggressively pursue my goals as a musician. Literally moving across the country
No Room for the Negative – Karen Hogle Brown
I am a big goal setter. I find it helps keep myself on track to where I want to go, however, in January I usually begin the new year with a thorough self-flogging about how I did not accomplish all I wanted to last year, and how another year has