Welcome to the iCadenza Blog …
This is a FREE library full of articles written by music industry professionals, aimed at offering expertise and inspiration to aspiring artists.

What Is Your Role in the Arts?
In turbulent times, I feel lucky to be an artist. When difficulties arise in our communities, we are already positioned to help as social and cultural connecters. We are in the business of joy, solace, catharsis, and empathy. We are a bridge between past and future and between people all

Mastering the Art of Time: Part 2
In part 1 of Mastering the Art of Time we discussed how to do a Time Audit. With that exercise you discovered how you are currently spending your time and how that compares to your ideal use of your time and energy. Now that you have done that exercise, you

Mastering the Art of Time: Part 1
Where does the time go? We all have 24 hours in a day but when it comes time to work on an important long-term project or something just for us…we never have enough hours in the day. We’re all busy. There are a lot of demands on our time. We

3 Tips for Getting the Grant
Arts always need funding and they always say the first grant is the hardest to get! That’s certainly true, but with these top tips, you can speed your way to that first grant.

Mastering Intuition: When to Trust Your Inner Voice
How do we know when to trust that voice? How seriously do we weigh that internal tug against our own or others’ reasoning? What do I do with this gut feeling?

Stand Out in the Crowd – What’s Your Brand?
…and if it’s done right, it can be your ticket to a whole new level in your career.